Tuesday 18 Oct – WORKSHOP #1 – Power, Movements, Worlds
we will share our work poster session style: divide in two groups, and
all move around talking to each other about work during the class time. Complete 3 eval sheets & one for yourself (turn these in next class).
Thursday 20 Oct – WORKSHOP #1 – Talking about it all
• LOGBOOK 2 DUE along with either paper and handout or digital picture of poster, after presentations
Today we will have a conversation about what we learned, noticed, thought about, and draw from the last class presentations.
• Workshop 1: Power, Movements, Worlds
our first workshop you will create either a paper or poster (which
determined by lot) in order to explore how feminists analyze how power
structures our worlds.
You will explore two class texts carefully, and
chose EITHER
• to analyze Zandt’s book through the analysis (eyes, lens)
of Davis’ The Making of Our Bodies, Our Selves; OR
• to analyze Davis’ book through the analysis (eyes, lens) of Zandt’s Share This!
• Davis’ book explores power in transnational and transdisciplinary
frames. NOTICE what it demonstrates and assumes about what counts as
power, which social movements matter, and how worlds are connected
across differences.
• Zandt’s book explores accessibility and the currency
of social media today. NOTICE who is addressed in this book, and why?
No matter which of these approaches you take, also NOTICE that you will
need to do some additional research. You will need to find out more
about the various editions of the book Our Bodies, Our Selves, and you will need to play around with social media yourself, and do some web research checking out both Our Bodies, Our Selves and also how feminists today are using social media, as well as how social media and marketing are interconnected. Always make a point of connecting projects to class readings and lectures.
Posters and papers are shared in one or the other of two class workshops.
In each workshop you will do either a paper or a poster. Which one you
will do when will be determined by lot.
You cannot get full credit for
either assignment until after you also present them on the first day of
the workshop week, and participate in workshop follow-ups on the second
day of the workshop week. In other words, just the written paper or the
poster does not in itself complete the assignment. If an emergency or
illness kept you from participation either or both days that week, to
get full credit you will have to meet with three other students to share
your work and their work outside class, and write up the experience and
what you learned from it to complete the participation portion of that
logbook from the beginning so that attending them will always be at the
forefront of your term plans.
This is also true of the final day of
class, when you discuss your learning analysis with everyone else. Full
credit for the learning analysis also requires attendance and
participation on that last day.
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