– Feminist Myths: Davis Part II
– Foundations Intersectionality, Berger Part I: Dill
– Transnational Body: Davis Part III
– Foundations Intersectionality, Berger Part I: Yuval-Davis [& Guidroz]
Tuesday 18 Oct – WORKSHOP #1
Thursday 20 Oct – WORKSHOP #1 : LOGBOOK 2 DUE
So you see here the shape of the next section of the course, and how it culminates in our first workshop. We have already finished Zandt (yes, you should have read all of it by now), and we will be finishing up Davis, while reading ahead in Berger for tools to use for projects for workshop 1. Remember what it is about?
• Workshop 1: Power, Movements, Worlds

You will explore two class texts carefully, and chose EITHER
• to analyze Zandt’s book through the analysis (eyes, lens) of Davis’ The Making of Our Bodies, Our Selves; OR
• to analyze Davis’ book through the analysis (eyes, lens) of Zandt’s Share This!
Davis’ book explores power in transnational and transdisciplinary frames. NOTICE what it demonstrates and assumes about what counts as power, which social movements matter, and how worlds are connected across differences.
Zandt’s book explores accessibility and the currency of social media today. NOTICE who is addressed in this book, and why?
No matter which of these approaches you take, also NOTICE that you will need to do some additional research.
You will need to find out more about the various editions of the book Our Bodies, Our Selves, and you will need to play around with social media yourself, and do some web research checking out both Our Bodies, Our Selves and also how feminists today are using social media, as well as how social media and marketing are interconnected. Always make a point of connecting projects to class readings and lectures.

• Davis Part II, read all of it (chs 3, 4, 5)
Why does Davis connect “empowerment” and “bewitchment”? What’s her point here? And why might a “colonialist trope” be contrasted with something called a “critical epistemology?” What are feminist subjects and why do they need to be created? How does Davis make us aware of the time periods involved?
Davis, 85-6: the feminist myth in action:
• "make sense of their history"
• "an origin story"
• "become agents of historical change"
• "heroic tale with plucky female protagonists who bravely take on a series of powerful adversaries...and come out victorious."
• "a family saga about a group of women who created an enduring personal bond that enabled their political project to survive and thrive for more than three decades."
• "constructing a history that made sense in different and sometimes contradictory ways."
• "understand their individual and collective experiences at different periods"
• "provided the motor for the group's activism."
• "generated a powerful symbolic imagery" that allowed for global impact
• "a shadow side": "deny or gloss over events in the present that did not fit their collective sense of who they were or what their project was about"
• "an impediment to a more historically informed and self-reflexive understanding of themselves and their project"

Thursday 6 Oct – Intersectionality’s Foundations
• Berger Part I: Dill’s essay Why would Dill start off with the notion of sisterhood? “All-inclusive”? What does that mean? What can you learn about feminism in 1983 that will help you understand why she is approaching these issues the way she does? What other kinds of articles were being published in the journal Feminist Studies in 1983? In other feminist journals? What other feminist journals were big in 1983?
post positive realist and post positive realism
Mohanty's Feminism without Borders pprealist
virtual speculum haraway
problematize, criticize, critique, debunk
socialist feminism
bourgeois individualism
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
• using privileges of class and race to get into public sphere despite the disadvantages of gender
• calling into question the politics of personal experience as decentering experiential differences (of power by race and class) that are structural
• "sisterhood" as feminist myth, usable by some more than others, with its shadow side.
• women of color, inside, rejecting, along side, pushed outside, uninterested in, accomplishing other justice goals....
elegant, accessible, quick take <====> dense, specialized, detailed take
considering the spirit and the letter of the story, or stories
boundary object -- which parts are detailed, which parts are broadly drawn, for what reasons, when?
earning "sisterhood" -- not given, but part a shared struggle -- whose struggles shared with who else? standpoint and shared struggle -- what about anger and power?
exceptional vs. normative practices in feminist movements -- the roles of racism, anti-racism, ideals and realities -- political expediency and the abandonment of black women in the history of feminist movements in the US, participating in the creation of separate movements of color and race -- what and when to make choices? who has to and why? hierarchies of oppression? universality? research and methology in the social sciences? class differences within collectivities of black women?
salience and intersections: intersectionality
oppositional consciousness and chicana theories and mythologies of malinche
how many "intersections"? should any be "centered"? when about all women of color and when about particular groups of women of color? why might it be important to center particular women of color, when and for what reasons? can intersectionality itself be critiqued? what does that entail?
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