• Hewitt: Part I: pick 3 of the 5 chapters in this section to read, be prepared to discuss why you chose the ones you did
How does Hewitt talk about traveling knowledges? How does travel across time compare to travel across space and geopolitical location? How can you compare what Hewitt does with what Davis does? With what Berger and Guidroz do? How are these epistemological projects similar and different?
4: "Activists thus highlight their distinctiveness from -- and often superiority to -- previous feminist movements in the process of constituting themselves as the next wave."
[KK: yes, but it should also be said that generational hierarchies of supposedly knowing things better exist as well!]

Look at Wikipedia's timeline of key events in the second wave (scroll down to see it).
Wikipedia on the third wave.
Wikipedia on the first wave.
Which parts of the world are centered in these?
Wikipedia's Portal: Feminism
Wikipedia's Feminism by country
What about feminist generations?
From Young Feminist Wire
Symposium on inter- and transgenerational feminisms
Call for papers by Feminist Memory
Nancy Whittier's book & KK's handout on generations
All six volumes of Stanton and Anthony's History of Woman Suffrage are available free as ebooks online. See Google books and Project Gutenberg.
Hewitt, Thompson, Taylor, Chávez, Fernandes

• Berger: Part II: pick 2 of the 4 chapters in this section to read, be prepared to discuss why you chose the ones you did
Although you pick only 2 of these, look at all of them enough to compare the approaches they take, and to consider the disciplines they come from. How might that matter?
Recall Yuval-Davis' point: (54): “social divisions, such as those relating to membership in particular castes or status as indigenous or refugee people, tend to affect fewer people globally. At the same time, for those who are affected by these and other social divisions not mentioned here, such social divisions are crucial and necessitate struggle to render them visible. This is, therefore, a case where recognition - of social power axes, not of social identities - is of crucial political importance.”
power: macro-, meso-, micro-political (fr structure to interpersonal interaction) [Foucault, biopower]
structure: longer term, more stable, affect most, mostly at macro-political levels and layers [Marx, social structure]
Keating, Luft, Caldwell, Sherwood
Tuesday 1 Nov – CLASS ON ITS OWN: KATIE AT 4S – Coming together and pulling apart, which is which?
• Hewitt: Part II: pick 4 of 7
Coalitions happen on the ground with activists, how do activists work with other activisms? What are the difficulties involved?
Thursday 3 Nov – CLASS ON ITS OWN: KATIE AT 4S – Method, theory, praxis – do they need to be connected or are they already?
• Berger: Part III: pick 2 of 5 from the section on methodological innovations
Come with ideas and questions that look ahead to our workshop.
from Bernice Johnson Reagon's Coalition Politics:
343ff: "I wish there had been another way to graphically make me feel it because I belong to the group of people who are having a very difficult time being here. I feel as if I'm gonna keel over any minute and die. That is often what it feels like if you're really doing coalition work. Most of the time you feel threatened the core and if you don't, you're not really doing no coalescing.... Coalition work is not work done in your home. Coalition work has to be done in the streets.... You don’t get fed a lot in a coalition. In a coalition you have to give, and it is different from your home. You can’t stay there all the time. You go to the coalition for a few hours and then you go back and take your bottle wherever it is, and then you go back and coalesce some more." [In Barbara Smith, Home Girls: a black feminist anthology. Rutgers 2000]
• "listening with raw openness" (Keating 2009: 92)
• disagreeing in continued conversation that goes on!
• complex personhood (Avery Gordon, Ghostly Matters 2008)
• "some misunderstanding is inevitable" (Keating 2009: 94)